Frequently Asked Questions
Links to Helpful Websites
Education Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are links to the frequently asked questions about our services.
Home Health Care
Who can get access to home health care?
Anyone who is essentially homebound, recovering from an illness or injury, had a recent change in their medical condition or in need of rehabilitation can have home health care.
How can I access home health care?
Accessing home health care is easy by having the patient, a family member or the patient’s physician call us to request a consultation.
Who pays for home health?
Most insurance companies cover Home Health and require a physician’s order for it. Our Home Health Case Managers can help obtain the order and confirm coverage.
Can I keep my own doctor?
Your primary care physician will continue to monitor your care and provide guidance to the home health team. We can also provide physicians services if you do not have a primary physician.
Palliative Care
Who can get palliative care?
Anyone who is essentially homebound and coping with a serious illness where the medical outcome is unclear.
How can I access palliative care?
Accessing palliative care is easy by having the patient, a family member or the patient’s physician call us to request a consultation.
Who pays for palliative care?
Palliative care is covered by Medicare and most insurance companies either directly or through the home health benefit. Our Case Managers can help to verify benefits and obtain the physician’s order.
Can I keep my own doctor?
Your primary care physician will continue to monitor your care and provide guidance to the palliative care team. If you do not have a primary physician, we can provide physician services.
Hospice Questions and Myths
Our Patient Packet can be found here
Our Comfort Medication Consent can be found here
Our After-hours magnet can be found here
Who can receive hospice care?
Patients are eligible to receive hospice care when their medical condition is unlikely to improve and thus there is a limited life expectancy.
How can I access hospice care?
Accessing hospice care is easy by having the patient, a family member or the patient’s physician call us to request a consultation.
Who pays for hospice?
Hospice services are paid by Medicare, Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California), and most Commercial Insurance plans. Most of these plans pay 100% of fees as end of life expenses need to be the least of one’s concern.
Can I keep my own doctor?
Your primary care physician may choose to monitor your care and provide guidance to the hospice team. If they are unwilling or unable to do that, we will provide physician services.
Do I lose my Medicare benefits?
No! This is the most common misunderstanding about the hospice benefit. The Medicare benefit is still in place to cover hospitalizations, surgery, and doctor visits that are not related to the diagnosis that made the patient eligible for the hospice program.
How can we give feedback about the hospice services we received?
Your family or caregiver may receive a patient experience survey through the mail asking about your hospice services. We value all feedback and hope to hear from you so we can continue to improve.
Hospice is only for those imminently dying.
All too often we receive referrals when the patient is days or even hours from dying. When this occurs, few of the many resources that could have made the end of life process more bearable and humanitarian can come to bear. Patients and families are best served when the patient is receiving hospice services over their the last several months.
Hospice means all treatment is stopped.
This is not true, as we are committed to maintaining quality of life. Treatment for the primary disease will include pain control and other palliative treatment to keep the patient comfortable.
Once hospice takes over, the role of the primary care physician in the patient’s care management ceases to exist.
The primary care physician is as involved in the care as they wish to be. While some Primary Care Physicians may not be able to make home visits, we continue to consult with them throughout treatment.
The patient must sign a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order before enrolling in hospice.
While a DNR would eventually be appropriate for a terminally ill patient, it is not required to receive care. The family/patient can put one in place at any time they feel it is appropriate and acceptable.
For 12 years, Haven has maintained ‘Deemed Status’ with The Joint Commission for Health Care Accreditation for each of our services in Home Health, Palliative Care and Haven Hospice™. This represents the highest level of accreditation possible by The Joint Commission. While accreditation by The Joint Commission is voluntary for Health Care At Home companies, Haven Health’s accreditation through The Joint Commission and ‘deemed status’ signifies meeting all Medicare and Medi-Cal requirements.
Links to Helpful Websites
Throughout our site you will find links to external websites. These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, Haven Health cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external services or providers.
General Health and Hospice Resources
Children’s Children who are seeking a cure to their life threatening condition do not qualify for Hospice services. This organization is making a difference. National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. An in-depth site exploring hospice and palliative care issues; very useful for family members and caregivers.
National Institutes of Health Government site offering a wealth of health-related information.
Southern California Home Care Haven Health’s choice for excellent home care
California Caregiver Resource Center Statewide education, resources, and support for family, friends, and caregivers of adults with chronic, disabling health conditions.
Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center A part of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California dedicated to serving families and caregivers of an adult with brain impairment.
Coast Caregiver Resource Center Resources for Ventura county for families and caregivers of adults with chronic, disabling health conditions.
InfoLine of Los Angeles A non-profit organization dedicated to helping people find and access health and human services in Los Angeles County.
Answers4Families-Eldercare Information regarding eldercare.
Orange Caregiver Resource Center Support Groups for Caregivers.
LifeLine Emergency alert system.
Project Angel Food Delivers free, nutritous food to people affected with HIV/AIDS and other serious illnesses.
Insurance and Financial Resources
Access for Infants and Mothers Low cost comprehensive health care for uninsured pregnant women who do not qualify for Medi-Cal.
Healthy Families Low-cost dental, health, and vision coverage for those ineligable for Medi-Cal.
Medicare Hospice Benefits Documentation on the Medicare Hospice Benefits (PDF)
California Department of Social Services- In Home Supportive Services An explanation of California’s IHSS Program, which helps pay for home healthcare services.
Haven Health TiC Files Machine-readable files providing pricing data for covered items and services based on in-network negotiated payment rates and historical out-of-network allowed amounts.
Disease Related Information Alzheimers Association
The ALS Association Provides information, news, services, and resources on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Also known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease)
OncoLink Cancer information, research, and treatment
The National Coalition for Survivor Sponsorship the oldest survivor-led advocacy organization working on behalf of people with all types of cancer
AIDS Services Foundation Orange County Aims to improve the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
UNAIDS Unequivically the most complete AIDS resource available.
American Stroke Association The premiere resource for stroke information.
American Heart Association Dedicated to the prevention and spread of knowledge of heart disease
James Haller’s Kitchen Recipes for the chronically ill, and cookbooks.
Bereavement & Final Planning Resources
The Grief Recovery Institute A program designed with moving beyond loss
GriefNet.orgAn Internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major loss which contains over 60 E-mail support groups.
The Compassionate Friends Grief support after the death of a child.
Omega Society Affordable funeral, cremation, and burial services.
Education Services
Educating and empowering our staff and community is important to Haven Health. Our Education program provides classes, lectures, and materials to healthcare professionals, patients and family members, as well as various community and senior groups throughout Southern California. Our program can be tailored to meet all needs, from large Healthcare facilities to individual families. These free classes are available upon request and can be coordinated through our Education department. Giving back to our community is part of who we are at Haven Health.
It is the policy of Haven Health to educate patients and families regarding end-of-life options specific to the California End of Life Option Act (2016).
Contact Us for more information about specific topics we can offer you.
- Haven Health has 2 locations in Southern California:
• Haven Home Health
2855 Temple Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755
• Haven Hospice™
2895 Temple Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755
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